To the you who reminds me that hard work will someday be rewarded.

To the you whose smile shines brightly amidst the hardships you face.

To the dearest you who always give me happiness in times of darkness.

🌸 Before you go 🌸

This project is basically a fun fact-dump for Shinonon and his friends so it will be kind of text-heavy! I did my best to make it as concise as possible though :DThis will be available indefinitely (and maybe will be updated every year? Who knows!)Basic navigation: ♡ are for sources, ▲ are for returning to previous page.This project contains two carrd sites! I maxed the elements in the other site :( helpSome texts have no source as the stories are still not translated, but I did my best to be faithful to the original text with some livetweets and translation tools as basis! If there are something wrong with some parts, feel free to contact me on my Shinonon RT account! Give it a follow too perhaps.(with regard to the bullet above) Since I want this to be as accurate as possible, I mainly used already translated stories! Untranslated references are only few.Some sections are image heavy; please wait for it to load! 🥺 I did my best to make it look pleasing with the images.I did everything on mobile, so if it looks weird on PC, I apologize 🙏I wished to make this fun for other producers as well, so I hope you enjoy my most favorite section of this project. If your fave didn't make it in that certain section, I apologize! Perhaps I am just uneducated that they already interacted or the story is still untranslated and my knowledge isn't enough to translate it (I can only read hira + kana and some simple kanji) :(
That's all! I hope you enjoy reading! ❤️

Unit: Ra✽bits
Class: 2-B
Circles: FLAVOR, Biblion, Gardenia
Club: Tea Club
Age: 16-17
Height: 165cm
Weight: 50kg
Handedness: Right-handed
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: July 15th (Cancer)
Likes: Lavender aromatic pouches
Dislikes: Crowds
Favorite Food: Miso soup
Family: Parents, little brother & little sister
Hobby: Drawing & stargazing
Specialty: Speed-reading
Voice Actor: Tomoya Kosaka (also known as "Fairy")



We all know that Hajime has confidence issues that sometimes gets too much into him. He has the tendencies to downplay his abilities as an idol—and sometimes, even as a person.

He also has the tendency to put other people on a pedestal, making his anxiety take over and unknowingly create an immediate distance between him and other people.

He tends to keep his feelings to himself, thinking that it might be just a bother for everyone. He may not show it, but he is quite sensitive about the things happening around him, how it affects the people he loves, and how it affects him.

He has trouble in saying "no", putting other people's welfare first before himself. This had actually put him in quite a dangerous situation.

Hajime Shino is a mostly viewed as the good boy who's always anxious about crowds. Someone who is cute and lovable by all cast.

But just as every Ensemble Stars character—there's always more than meets the eye.



From some place where Hajime felt helpless and slow—causing people to just get tired and leave him behind, entering Yumenosaki entirely broke what he got used to.

He was praised.
He was complimented left and right.
Even without him changing a single bit.

This actually caused a discord for him and Tomoya because it's a complete opposite of what Tomoya is aiming for as an idol. They settled and talked about it at the end, so all is well!

But this shows how Hajime is not just like someone who agrees to everything said to him. In fact, he can be a bit of stubborn! Which is still very endearing in his very own way.

Hajime has his own dreams and goals, and he works very hard to achieve it.



Stemming from the place which made Hajime felt inferior to everybody else, he developed this abandonment issue where he doesn't want anyone he loves to go away.

This actually made him flat-out refuse a pretty huge job offer by a certain idol who wanted him as a partner in a crossdressing unit; thinking that this offer will put him in an advantage amongst the comrades whom continued to support him and each other and that it will slowly cut him off from something he holds dear in his heart: Ra*bits.

It's been told how he always works hard to catch up with everyone else and how he's willing to consider changing his image for a selling point. But one of Hajime's major weaknesses is that he doesn't want to feel abandoned or left behind by anything he loves nor he wants to leave a place of comfort that he got to love.



"I really respect you. For sympathizing with me when you've been put in a similar position..."
- Nazuna Nito

This trait is not all negative, as this permits Hajime to understand things in a different perspective. That's what makes him great: despite his disagreements, he will always seek a way to see something in a more positive light and see the bigger picture.

"Just be who you want to be without hesitating around others, without having to hold it in and pretend to be so goody-goody."
- Kaoru Hakaze

This has also pushed him to speak out more for himself. As someone who suffers from anxiety, Hajime began to tell what's really on his mind—despite how childish he may think his thoughts are.

From someone who's too shy to say "no", he's now developing as someone who can stand his ground and be someone who he really wants to be.

This makes all HajimePs really proud of him!

"We might even have to say goodbye someday.
But y'know? Even if that far-off day might come, right now we have each other. So it's okay; there isn't a siiiingle reason to look sad."
- Mitsuru Tenma

He also has his very good friends right beside him who reassures him of things that scares him!

That no matter what happens in the future, they have today—and it's something that they should treasure as much as they can.

"You wouldn’t expect it of him, but he just wants to look cool in front of everyone, so he pretends to be a good kid and not cause any trouble, but...

For him to find this many people that he was able to show his true self to and cry in front of...

I really think it’s wonderful."
- Tomoya Mashiro

Hajime found people whom he can confide in Yumenosaki. Being surrounded by people who accepts him for who he is, and will support him on his endeavors as an idol and as a person, will surely make him feel like he need not worry about what's there to come.

He's no longer alone and lagging in the race;
He finally has people he can hold on to—who will not get tired of him and leave him alone.

Someday sad things may happen—things that will bring tears into his eyes.
But I believe that he will be stronger by then. And his strength will come from these days that he cherishes.


✨ Childhood and Family ✨

He's actually quite naughty when he was a child! He liked pulling pranks here and there which sometimes gets him scolded by his parents.He stopped being mischievous when his little siblings were born though. He immediately thought that it was time to be serious and be a role model.Accidentally killed a firefly and cried about it a lot.He boasts abt his siblings quite a lot!His entire family clung into him when he said that he will not sleep in their house to prepare for Halloween Fes.He watches horror movies with his brother. He's okay with gory scenes but not jumpscares.His sister likes to play with his hair to try out different hairstyles.His hairstyle makes things awkward with his brother though...He always says how he's very grateful that he's born in the Shino family.

✨ With Friends and Seniors ✨

Has nibbled on things twice in canon (Tomoya's hair and Midori's uniform)Once joined forces with Tsukasa, Tetora, and Shinobu in a mobile game named "IdoBato". His in-game name is "blue_rabbit"Has a bit of nice gacha luck, but this apparently compromises his real life luck.During Eichi's absence, he used to practice their interactions through Eichi's life-sized cardboard panel.Knows some secret passageways in the school which Ritsu taught him.Refuses to eat snacks and desserts when Eichi brings it because they're always very high quality.More on the "Fun with Cast section! :D

✨ Skills, Talents, and Other Things ✨

Has a habit of humming when happy! When you're idle in your ! homescreen, one of his lines starts with him humming!Has a lot of tendency to go off-topic. Boy loves to chat about trivial things.Super good at household chores!Can play the flute with simple songs!Is actually quite strong! This has been mentioned several times in several stories.He's well-versed in drawing! He prefers drawing sceneries than portraits though since he's too nervous to have a model.He used to do some ball sports!Likes making sachets and gives it to other people.When asked to think of a "bad thing to do", he thought of "putting clothes that easily fade away straight into the washing machine."Has the tendency to read too much into something. When he asked for advice from Tea Club on how should he make Subaru notice him and Eichi told him to cover up himself in colorful lightbulbs, he translated it to starting up the change within him and appeal himself to Subaru.There was one time he unkowingly blew up his money after spending it all in a coffee shop for their delicious tea.He actually wants to cut his hair into something shorter (like a buzz cut) but Ra*bits boys begged him not to.He comically malfunctions when he sees a huge sum of money.He also got speechless after tasting Tsukasa's packed lunch prepared by an actual chef.Always finds the smallest of things as cause of happiness.Despite his feminine looks, he's actually quite manly and is quite uncomfortable when people view him as a girl. This was again discussed in Hansel and Gretel gacha.He was the first one to cry backstage when no one came to their First Live in Main Story and then in their Repayfes! Interesting parallel!

✨ Others ✨

The only one who has no 4-star/5-star card amongst Ra*bits for ChocoFesHis recommended song in the Ra*bits album is Melty Kitchen.There's a part of his solo song where he mentions several tea variants! Coincidentally, these tea names are the exact names of Tea Club members' cards in the Afternoon gacha set, and even ordered to their seniority!The search bar in the English Wiki is Tanabata Hajime :D



Whoops! Go back!

Continue :D

Hello there! Why did you decide to read this? Lol
Anyway, ramblings!

I planned this project like....uhh....I actually forgot when I decided to make an info-dump carrd for Hajime but it's been on my mind for quite a while now.I actually wanted to write more...but time ran out...OTL so I'm kinda sorry that it only focused on Hajime's character complex. I'll improve this sometime soon (maybe for next year!)Have you noticed the tone of the main info dump for Hajime? It started out sad, pointing out his flaws as a character and as his own person, but it slowly shifts into more lighthearted and what makes Hajime a good character despite these flaws. Fun fact: I based it on my experience with reading through Hajime-involved stories that started out in tears (Main Story) into what I feel about him now (just pure love and appreciation).I love the fun with the cast section so much 😭 I enjoyed editing it even if it took majority of my time spent on this project.Don't you think that everyone looks like candies in the fun with the cast first page? I think so, too.The speech bubbles thing is majorly inspired by a moot's carrd (hi Roxy!).Speaking of the speech bubbles thing, some characters do not have renders that fits the mood, so I manually rendered them on my phone. The pain.Do you know how hard it was to decide what one (1) fact will I put per character?!?! I had this dilemma with Tea Club boys, Tomoya, Tori, and Subaru 😭😭 There were a lot more I wanted to put but it's unfair with the other characters who only had one fact. also because I'm already out of carrd elements. bruh.The number of times that I had to readjust some parts because I maxed the permissible free elements in this site...a real struggle.I originally had a background drawn for the carrd but I figured it will make the loading time longer so I decided to put it out.I originally planned to start this project before July started but...haha...Ra*bits event happened! cries I got everyone on both Music and Basic, though! Special thanks to Pao for helping me in Music!I worked on this for 6 days!!! The only time I am glad that enst events end earlier now. :DI showed some WIP of this project on my priv. Lol.
Renders by @gradualcolours on twitterEnstars!
Speech bubbles generatorMedibangDialogues are sourced on the little hearts after the texts!and of course, carrd.co!

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